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AI Business Hub team leaders
Ludvig Millfors24 maj 20181 min read

Meet the women changing the face of AI

For the past years a large number of our consultants have dug deeper and deeper into the possibilities of Artificial Intelligence. After years and countless meetings with tech companies in Israel, Japan, America and Sweden we have landed a clear point of view of both opportunities and pitfalls.

About two years ago we intensified our recruiting efforts and learned tremendously from day one. One lesson is that finding people with experience is a huge challenge. The second thing we learned is that the art of data science is a hard-earned mixture of mathematics, programming and most importantly a sound understanding of how to create business value with data.

Our position in this space has clarified. There is a great rush towards investments in the space. Quite a few of the projects we follow, from a distance, lack structure, knowledge and plan. This is of course not all bad. It is great news that so many are willing to take a leap head first and fail fast. It is an encouraging indicator of interest and a need for speed mentality as well as a movement towards the principles of increased agility.

Still we find the lack of direction and strategy with business intent quite troublesome. Some projects are labelled AI since it is fashionable but in reality are traditional regression-statistical algorithms.

Our AI Business Hub is focusing on building a solid foundation of business intent with our clients' AI initiatives. The fastest approach to building your business using AI capability is not necessarily jumping on the train with the large tech providers. It will likely need a very long term effort in terms of building teams that understand your current and future data, can do the math and also program the tools that actually create the value. 

Our AI Business Hub, driven by three experienced AI leaders, can help you get started. We can help you restart and structure a path right for you.

For a solid AI related dialogue please reach out to:
Neelima MisraEva-Lena Lengqvist and or Rebecka Birgersson. Don't miss out on their latest articles here on our blog.


Ludvig Millfors

Responsible for Strategy & Tech